DRUGI POZIV za učešće na Konferenciji i dostavljanje sažetaka /The second call Conference 2017

DRUGI POZIV za učešće na Konferenciji i dostavljanje sažetaka /The second call Conference 2017


Rok za slanje sažetaka za 28. Međunarodnu naučno-stručnu konferenciju poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije je produžen do 4. juna 2017. godine.

Abstracts submission deadline for the 28th International Scientific Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry extended until 4 June 2017.

Više informacija 



Please confirm your participation by filling the forms on the following pages. If you want to candidate a scientific/expert work (paper) for presentation at the Conference, please submit titles and summaries by filling appropriate form. 


Objavljeno: 20.01.2018